Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Storyboards 2/2

Meant to target a "gaming" audience in general. The soap is basically a tool of sorts used to clean video game disks, much like the popular liquid cleaning solutions (or alcohol) used to clean/fill in dirty and/or scratched video game disks, like for PS, PS2, PS3, Game Cube, etc. The soap is meant to be a rub-on type of substance.

1.) What is advertisement trying to sell?: Soap-like cleaning product for game disks.

2.) What feelings is it trying to create?: You must have this, because it's the product to end all other product-buying.

3.) What audience is the ad targeting?: Gamers.

(Read from bottom to top from previous post. . .)

Storyboards 1/2

(Read from bottom to top. . .)

Deconstruction Assignment b.

Objective: Bring 5 ads that present interesting image that convey identities/messages about how one should act/be.

- Axe Shower Gel

Calvin Klein ad (older one). Mostly, they feature men, women, or both together, in provocative poses, as if they're trying to "welcome" you in to join in their little presumed escapades. Most of the time, on the women, they let too much go bare, but try to cover it up in the way a pose is or by the twist of the body.

Cover Girl - General Advertisements - Keri Russel's ad

Provocative lip gloss advertisement - like they all are - attempting to get young women/girls to buy their products. A lot of the times, the situations don't really make sense, or sometimes they're a bit overhyped. They always feature a pair of picture-perfect lips on an extreme close-up, and the "perfect" face and hair and eyes and nose and facial structure to go with it.

"Music is in my soul"
It's a tricky sort of image, because while the caption says: "Music is in my soul," it doesn't show any musical instruments of any sort, or the woman holding sheet music, or even her in a recording studio with instruments behind her or hanging on a wall somewhere. It does, however, show her as being in a rather passive, adorable/sexy/innocent, provocative pose that's meant to attract attention not to what the message is actually saying/trying to say, but to her body and beauty.

Fanta commercial: drink fanta, and you'll be great and popular, and everything's all happy, happy, happy.

Deconstruction Assignment a.

1.) Victoria's Secret underwear commercial
- viewed on tv, and first thought was how skinny those women are, adn that the underwear they're sporting is very tiny! Never influenced me to actually want to go out and buy.

2.) Willy Wonka sweet tarts squeeze tube
- colorful commercial attempting to sell new kind of candy – squeeze tube sweet-sour candy that out like (edible) gel. It got me interested in it, thinking how its texture might feel against my tongue.

3.) TGI Fridays ad – Boston Market ad
- Made me want food at the time I saw them, and I hadn’t eaten in a few hours. It made me want the dishes they were displaying.

4.) E-harmony ad
- made me wonder just how successful the site is, and how many people use it. It didn’t make me want to use it.

5.) Samstown Tunica
- made Tunica seem so lively and extraveagant, so great, the best place in the world. I don’t gamble, so it had no effect on me to go to it or anywhere near it.

- telling me not to walk to school at night, to be careful walking to and school during the day – everyday, like usual.

7.) Friend
- tried to get me to taste a sports drink that I had never tasted before. After some silly protesting, I finally gave in and tasted it. It wasn’t good.

8.) Car commercials
- would be effective if I had a car and drove.

9.) Aruba – vacation commercial
- fun in the sun, traditional shows, and food and dancing, fishing, scuba diving, boat rides, scampering on the beach – fun. Influenced me to want to take a vacation for absolutely no reason. Very effective. Hah.

10.) Monkey comer (
- “It’s tough working with monkeys, and we’ve had enough” – slogan.
- Showed cute monkey in a pink dress picking its nose – reference to lazy, slackers who goof off or are good for nothing.

11.) Barbie girl commercial
- makes me think of how America’s youth are being corrupted at such early ages, plaqued with ads everywhere internalizing the “ideal” body, and how young girls readily try to imitate these things. What’s even worse now than Barbie are Bratz dolls and all their accessories and fashions and glamour, and all the hype, and how girls imitate the dress/looks of those dolls by actively seeking out clothing combinations – they’re spoiled rotten.